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Recent News

  • 11/2022. Congratulations! One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
  • 10/2022. Congratulations! One paper has been accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
  • 9/2022. Congratulations! One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
  • 9/2022. Congratulations! One paper has been accepted by WCSP 2022.
  • 8/2022. Congratulations! One paper has been accepted by GLOBECOM 2022.

Project Experiences

  • Advanced Radio Access Network Architecture and Resource Allocation in B5G Wireless Communications (3/2021-)
    • Coordinated beamforming with multi-connectivity MIMO
    • Codebook-Based limited feedback beamforming versus 3GPP 38.214 (R15,R16 and R17)
    • Design intelligent joint multipoint reception algorithm
    • Software simulation with 3GPP 38.901 channel model
  • Software-Defined Connected Vehicular Networks (2018-2021)
    • Dynamic radio access network slicing algrithm
    • Achievable performance analysis to uplink and downlink decoupled access
    • Project slides and project report

Academic Services

  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
  • Conference Reviewer: GlOBECOM 2020, 2022, VTC 2021, ICCC 2022, WCSP 2022.

Selected Awards

  • 2020 GLOBECOM 2020 Best Paper Award (primary author)
  • 2020 VTC 2020 Best Paper Award
  • 2021 WCSP 2021 Best Paper Award
